
Aus X-Lexikon
Version vom 10. März 2006, 15:12 Uhr von Makarius (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Kategorie:Erweiterung IST NOCH IN ENGLISCH)
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jumpdrives also work by forming a subspace wormhole to their destination but require a significant amount energy to do so. The basic version of the drive has to jump to gates that already exist and are known about because it does not have sufficent power to form an exit portal at its destination or to scan for gates that already exist like gates can.

Advanced ("gateless") jumpdrive are more powerfull and can therefore create an exit portal at its destination if provided with the extra energy to do so. They can therefore form a wormhole to anywhere if given sufficent power just by inputting its target cordinates But if the target cords are wrong you can end up in the middle of empty space or inside a planet both of which are undesireable situations therefore to use this device effectivly you have to know somthing about your destination to avoid these situations. Although more powerfull it still lacks the power of a gate so cannot scan for gates that already exist and it cannot compensate for galactic drift so cannot acuratly target areas of space that the ships computer does not have infomation on.