
Aus X-Lexikon
Version vom 25. März 2008, 16:55 Uhr von Jorganos (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Teilweise Übersetzung ins Deutsche)
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Nach der orbitalen Raumfahrt begann die Kolonisation des Weltraums. Raumstationen waren der erste Schritt. Die ersten interstellaren Raumstationen waren als große Raumhäfen im freien Raum entworfen worden, um eine Basis für Handel, Transport und Industrie zu bieten. Sie rotierten um die eigene Achse, um Schwerkraft zu simulieren, bis die gravimetrische Feldtechnologie erfunden wurde und auf Raumstationen und großen Raumschiffen eingesetzt wurde.

Diese Raumhäfen, später auch als Handelsdocks bekannt, wurden überarbeitet, als die ersten maßgefertigten orbitalen Produktionsstätten eingeführt wurden. Sie erfüllten jetzt die Rolle einer orbitalen Heimatbasis für die vielen Leute, deren Karriere sie durch das Universum fliegen ließ. Die Stationen enthalten große Hotels, Restaurants und Bars, wie auch Erholungseinrichtungen und Lagerraum für Handelswaren, die je nach der Rasse der Erbauer unterschiedlich genutzt werden. Die klassischen Raumhäfen haben große interne Andockeinrichtungen und sind der Stolz und das kulturelle Zentrum jedes zivilisierten Sektors.

Purpose built spaceborne factories were first developed when it was decided that the orbital stations were too small to accommodate the materials required to produce the goods in bulk. They were also the first to make use of the gravimetric field generators, allowing for simulated gravity in certain sections. Although their interiors are not as nice as trade docks, these stations still have small quarters which usually mean that the crew have to share rooms in most cases, a canteen and limited recreation facilities. Most of the crew on days off will travel to the local trade dock or to a planet's surface. These stations usually contain massive cargo docks and machinery; most are serviced by local stations for resources such as food, energy cells and raw materials.

Stations today have many things in common. Most come in pre-fabricated cargo containers available at shipyards that when transported by a TL-Class ship and using that ships construction drones and equipment will leave the station available for workers and production in a matter of days.

Xenon stations seem to work in the same way, although no one has ever been inside of a Xenon station to see what it looks like. Some speculate they are nothing more than central processors for giving orders and maintaining the fleets resources and supplies, meaning they still have a similar use to old style orbital stations. The only Xenon station which does not seem to use this method is the Xenon Power Plant. At the moment there are two sectors which are known to contain these stations.

The Khaak also have their own stations, but like the Xenon, no one has ever seen the interior of one. The station appears to be made up of a series of modules, linked together to form one giant space station. The Khaak also use these stations as production facilities, long-range survey posts, territorial bases and shipyards. Depending on what modules are installed, the station can have many uses and can be of any size.

